Why Is My Gaming Laptop So Hot? (And How to Fix It)

why is my gaming laptop so hot

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Have you ever been using your gaming laptop and noticed that it is overheating? This is a common issue faced by gamers across the world. Gaming laptops are designed for high performance, but this power comes at a price – heat. To keep your laptop from overheating, it is important to understand why your gaming laptop is so hot. And that’s exactly what I’m going to break out to you today. So, keep reading.

Quick Summary – How to Prevent Your Laptop From Overheating?

  • Keep your laptop clean.
  • Elevate your laptop.
  • Use a cooling pad. 
  • Limit the number of background applications.
  • Turn down the graphics settings.
  • Take breaks.
  • Make sure your laptop is getting enough airflow.
  • Update your drivers.
  • Undervolt your CPU.
  • Replace the thermal paste.

Why Is My Gaming Laptop So Hot?

1. Resource-Intensive Gaming

High-end video games require powerful hardware to run smoothly and this hardware generates heat as a byproduct. This heat can build up over time and cause your laptop to become overheated. Additionally, resource-intensive games are often graphically demanding, which can put an additional strain on your laptop’s cooling system.

2. Overclocking Your CPU

Overclocking your CPU can be an effective way to improve the performance of your gaming laptop, but it also has the potential to generate a lot of heat in the process. When you overclock your CPU, it is running at a higher frequency than what it was designed for, which causes it to consume more power and generate more heat. This can lead to your laptop becoming overheated quickly.

3. Dust Accumulation

Dust accumulation is a common cause of laptop overheating and can be a particularly big issue for gaming laptops. The fans and vents on your laptop can become clogged with dust, which prevents them from working properly and causes the internal temperatures to rise quickly. It is important to regularly clean out the dust from your laptop’s cooling system to ensure proper airflow.

4. Poor Airflow

Most gaming laptops have an internal fan that helps to circulate air and keep the hardware cool. If your laptop is not getting enough airflow, the fan will struggle to keep up with the heat generated by the processor and graphics card. This can cause your laptop to overheat quickly. Additionally, dust and debris can accumulate in the laptop’s vents and block the airflow, leading to overheating.

5. Defective Hardware Components

In some cases, the overheating of a gaming laptop is caused by defective hardware components. This includes things like faulty fans, inadequate cooling systems, or defective motherboards. If your laptop is overheating, it is important to check for any signs of physical damage to the hardware and replace any component that appears to be defective. Additionally, it is important to make sure that the drivers and BIOS are up to date.

6. High Ambient Temperatures

High surrounding temperatures can also contribute to laptop overheating. The heat from the environment can cause your laptop to become hotter than it would be in a cooler space. Additionally, heat that is trapped inside the laptop’s chassis can make it difficult for your cooling system to keep up with the demand.

why is my gaming laptop so hot

How Can You Fix Your Laptop From Overheating?

1. Keep Your Laptop Clean.

Dust and debris can easily accumulate in the fans and vents of your laptop, blocking the airflow and preventing it from cooling properly. It is important to regularly clean out the dust from your laptop’s cooling system to ensure proper airflow. Use a can of compressed air or a vacuum cleaner with a brush attachment to remove any dust that has accumulated on the fans and vents.

2. Elevate Your Laptop.

When a laptop is put on a flat surface, the vents and fans on the bottom might become covered, restricting ventilation and resulting in overheating. By raising the laptop, you create a larger surface for air to move beneath it, which helps in releasing heat.

To elevate your laptop,

  • Make Use of a Laptop Stand. A laptop stand is a gadget built particularly to raise your laptop. There are many kinds of laptop stands available, so you can pick one that meets both your demands and your budget.
  • Use a Few Books. If you don’t have a laptop stand, you may raise your laptop with a few books. Simply ensure that the books are strong enough to withstand the weight of the laptop.
  • Use a Cardboard Box. If you don’t have any books, you may raise your laptop using a cardboard box. Just make sure the box can handle the weight of the laptop and has enough ventilation holes for air to flow.

3. Use A Cooling Pad

A cooling pad is an accessory device that helps to keep your laptop cool by providing additional airflow and ventilation. It works by providing additional fans which draw in cool air from below the laptop, as well as blow out hot air from the side or back of the laptop. This allows more efficient cooling of the laptop and can help to prevent overheating.

4. Limit The Number Of Background Applications

Background apps are any programs that are running in the background without you directly interacting with them. These can include programs such as anti-virus software, update services, and notifications. Make sure to check what type of background applications are running on your laptop and disable any that are unnecessary.

5. Turn Down The Graphics Settings

If your laptop is running hot, one of the first steps you can take to cool it down is to turn down your graphics settings. Many modern games can be very demanding on hardware, and pushing the graphics beyond what your laptop can handle will cause it to heat up quickly.

6. Take Breaks

When gaming on a laptop, it is important to take breaks. This is because laptops can easily become overheated if they are used for long periods without any break. This can cause permanent damage to the internal parts of your laptop and will also reduce its performance over time. Taking regular breaks will help prevent this from happening and will also give your laptop time to cool down.

7. Make Sure Your Laptop Is Getting Enough Airflow

It’s easy to forget that your gaming laptop needs proper airflow. Without adequate airflow, your laptop can overheat and cause serious hardware damage. To make sure your gaming laptop is getting enough air circulation, you should start by making sure the vents are not blocked. If the vents are covered or blocked, then the air cannot flow properly, causing your laptop to heat up quickly.

pc gets hot when gaming

8. Update Your Drivers

Of Course, Outdated drivers can cause a lot of problems, including increased power consumption and heat generation. Keeping up with driver updates ensures that all of your hardware components are running as efficiently as possible. It’s especially important to keep an eye out for GPU driver updates if you’re having problems with your laptop heating up.

9. Undervolt Your CPU

Undervolting involves reducing the voltage applied to the processor, which in turn reduces power consumption and heat production. This can be done using software such as Intel Extreme Tuning Utility (XTU) or ThrottleStop. Undervolting your CPU will not only help keep your laptop cooler but can also improve performance.

10. Replace The Thermal Paste

Replacing the thermal paste on a gaming laptop is one of the most effective ways to keep it from getting too hot. Thermal paste is a material that helps transfer heat from the processor and other components to the laptop’s cooling system. Over time, this paste can dry out and become less effective at transferring heat away from these components, leading to excessive heat buildup in your device.


Is it okay to play games on a laptop while charging?

Playing computer games while charging your laptop is generally not recommended. Doing so can cause the laptop to overheat, leading to performance problems and potentially damaging components. When playing games on a laptop it is important to ensure that the laptop’s cooling system is running effectively and that any additional heat generated from charging won’t put too much strain on the system. The best way to avoid overheating is to charge the laptop before or after gaming sessions.

What temperature should my gaming laptop be?

The ideal temperature for your gaming laptop will depend on the specific components installed in it. Generally speaking, most laptops should run at temperatures below 80°C (176°F). However, some components such as the CPU and GPU can run hotter than this, so it’s important to check the manufacturer’s specifications for your laptop to ensure that the temperatures are within an acceptable range.

Do gaming laptops need cooling pads?

It depends on the laptop and the type of gaming you are doing. Many gaming laptops come with built-in fans or cooling systems that are designed to keep the laptop from getting too hot during normal usage. However, if you are playing intensive games or running programs that require a lot of processor power, then it is a good idea to invest in a cooling pad to help keep your laptop’s temperature in check.

How many hours of gaming is healthy for a laptop?

For most gaming laptops, five hours of gaming per day should be more than enough for them to stay healthy. If you find yourself gaming for longer than this, then it’s best to take a break and let your laptop cool down before continuing.

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