Understanding FPS in Gaming: What it is and Why it Matters


Table of Contents

What Is FPS?

FPS stands for frames per second. It is a measure of how many images are displayed on your screen every second. In gaming, a higher FPS means a smoother and more immersive experience. This is because the game will look more fluid and realistic, and it will be easier to track moving objects.

For most games, a target FPS of 60 is recommended. This will provide a smooth and enjoyable experience for most players. However, some games, such as first-person shooters, may benefit from a higher FPS. For these games, an FPS of 120 or even 144 is ideal.

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FPS RangeMeaning for Gaming
30 FPSMinimum playable framerate for most games. May be choppy or blurry.
60 FPSSmooth and enjoyable experience for most players. Ideal for single-player games.
120 FPSHighly responsive and immersive experience. Ideal for first-person shooters and other competitive games.
240 FPSThe highest FPS that most monitors can display. Only necessary for the most competitive multiplayer gamers.

Why Should You Care About FPS?

There are a few reasons why you should care about FPS in gaming. First, a higher FPS can make the game look more realistic and immersive. This is especially important in games involving fast-paced action, such as first-person shooters.

Second, a higher FPS can give you a competitive advantage. In games where reaction time is important, such as multiplayer shooters, a higher FPS can help you see your opponents sooner and react more quickly.

Third, a higher FPS can reduce eye strain. When you’re playing a game with a low FPS, the images on your screen may appear to be flickering or stuttering. This can cause eye strain and headaches over time.

If you’re serious about gaming, it’s important to have a high FPS. This will ensure that you have a smooth, immersive, and competitive gaming experience. apart from the above,  having a high FPS brings you a handful of benefits:

  • A higher FPS can reduce input lag, which is the time it takes for your input (such as a mouse click or keyboard press) to be registered by the game. This can be a significant advantage in competitive games, where every millisecond counts.
  • Having a higher FPS can make the game look smoother and more fluid. This can be especially important in games with fast-paced action, as it can help you track moving objects more easily.
  • Some people can experience motion sickness when playing games with a low FPS. A higher FPS can help to reduce this effect

Measuring and Understanding FPS

How Is FPS Measured?

FPS is measured by dividing the total number of frames in a video by the total time it takes to play the video. For example, if a video has 30 frames and takes 1 second to play, then the FPS is 30.

What Are Frame Rates?

Frame rates are important for video games because they affect the smoothness of the gameplay experience. A higher frame rate will result in a smoother experience, while a lower frame rate will result in a choppier experience.

The ideal frame rate for a video game will depend on the game genre and the player’s preferences. For example, first-person shooters and other fast-paced games typically require a higher frame rate for a smooth experience. On the other hand, slower-paced games may be playable at a lower frame rate.

In general, a frame rate of 60FPS is considered to be the minimum for a smooth gaming experience. However, some players may prefer a higher frame rate, such as 120FPS or 144FPS.


Refresh Rate and Its Impact on Performance

Understanding the Difference Between Refresh Rate and Frame Rate

When it comes to gaming, two terms that are often confused are refresh rate and frame rate. While they are related, they are not the same thing.

  • Refresh rate is the number of times your monitor updates the image on the screen every second. It is measured in hertz (Hz). A refresh rate of 60Hz means that the image on your screen is updated 60 times per second.
  • Frame rate is the number of frames that your graphics card renders every second. It is also measured in hertz (Hz). A frame rate of 60fps means that your graphics card renders 60 frames every second.

So, what’s the difference? Refresh rate is how often your monitor updates the image on the screen, while the frame rate is how often your graphics card renders new frames

To get a smooth gaming experience, you need both a high refresh rate and a high frame rate. A high refresh rate will help to prevent screen tearing, which is when the image on your screen is not synced with the frames that your graphics card is rendering. A high frame rate will make the game look smoother and more fluid.

For most gamers, a refresh rate of 60Hz and a frame rate of 60fps is a good starting point. However, if you are playing competitive games or games that require a lot of fast-paced movement, you may want to consider a higher refresh rate and frame rate.

You can also adjust your game settings to improve your graphics performance and get a smoother gameplay experience. For example, you can lower the graphics settings, such as the resolution and anti-aliasing, to free up resources for your graphics card to render more frames.

Factors That Impact Your Frame Rate

The frame rate that a video game can achieve will depend on several factors, including the game’s graphics settings, the player’s hardware, and the display resolution. For example, a game with high-quality graphics will require a more powerful graphics card to achieve a high frame rate.

If a video game is running at a low frame rate, there are a few things that the player can do to improve the performance. First, the player can try lowering the game’s graphics settings. This will reduce the amount of processing power that the game requires, which can improve the frame rate.

Second, the player can check to make sure that their hardware is up to date. Outdated drivers or hardware can sometimes cause performance issues.

Finally, the player can try using a different display resolution. A lower display resolution will require less processing power, which can improve the frame rate.

With a little bit of tweaking, you can improve your FPS in gaming and get a smooth experience of gaming.

  • Use a high-refresh-rate monitor. This will allow you to see more frames per second, which will make the game look smoother.
  • Enable VSync. This will lock the game’s FPS to the refresh rate of your monitor, which will prevent screen tearing.
  • Use a frame rate limiter. This will cap the game’s FPS at a certain level, which can help to reduce stuttering and input lag.
  • Overclock your graphics card. This can give you a significant boost in FPS, but it is important to do it carefully to avoid damaging your hardware.

The Pros and Cons of a High FPS Count


  • Smooth gameplay: A higher FPS count can make games look smoother and more fluid, which can be especially beneficial for fast-paced games or games with a lot of action.
  • Improved reaction time: A higher FPS count can give you a slight edge in multiplayer games, as it can help you react to events more quickly.
  • Reduced eye strain: A higher FPS count can help to reduce eye strain, as it can reduce the amount of flickering that is visible on the screen.


  • Higher hardware requirements: A higher FPS count requires more powerful hardware, which can be expensive.
  • Reduced graphical fidelity: To achieve a high FPS count, you may need to lower the graphical settings of your games, which can reduce the visual fidelity of the game.
  • Personal preferences: Some gamers may not notice a significant difference between a high and low FPS count, and may prefer to prioritize other factors, such as graphical fidelity or resolution.

Things to Know Before Prioritizing A High FPS Count

  • The type of game you play: Some types of games, such as first-person shooters and racing games, benefit more from a high FPS count than others.
  • Your hardware: If you have a powerful graphics card and processor, you may be able to achieve a high FPS count without sacrificing graphical fidelity.
  • Your personal preferences: Some gamers may prefer a high FPS count even if it means sacrificing graphical fidelity. Others may prefer to prioritize graphical fidelity over FPS.

Different Types of Games and Their Optimal FPS Levels

First-Person Shooters (FPS) Games

FPS games are typically fast-paced and require quick reaction times, so a high FPS count is essential for a smooth gaming experience. A minimum of 60fps is recommended for most FPS games, but 120fps or even 144fps is ideal for competitive players.

Racing Games

Racing games also benefit from a high FPS count, as it can help to create a more immersive experience. A minimum of 60fps is recommended for most racing games, but 120fps or even 144fps can give you a competitive edge.

Multiplayer Online Games (MMOs)

MMOs are often very demanding games, so a high FPS count is important for a smooth gaming experience. A minimum of 60fps is recommended for most MMOs, but 120fps or even 144fps can give you an advantage in combat.

Single-Player or Story-Based Games

Single-player or story-based games are not as demanding as multiplayer games, so a lower FPS count is usually acceptable. A minimum of 30fps is usually fine for these types of games, but 60fps is ideal for a smoother experience.

Roleplay Games (RPGs)

RPGs can vary in their demands, but a high FPS count is often beneficial for a smoother experience. A minimum of 30fps is usually fine for most RPGs, but 60fps is ideal for a more immersive experience.

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