Blue Mountains Blog

All About Steam Gaming: An Introduction and Overview
If you’re a gamer, the term ‘steam gaming’ might have hit your ears more than you know. but have you ever wondered what is steam

The Surprising Link Between Gaming and Calorie Burn
Gaming is a popular way for many people to have fun. But have you ever wondered if playing games can also help you burn calories,

10 Ways You Can Speed Boost Your Computer for Gaming
How to Speed Up Your Computer for Gaming? If we look past a few years, playing your favourite game characters and driving a car game

Step-by-Step Guide on How to Clean Your Gaming PC for Better Performance
Let’s admit it: We have all come up with a situation where you might’ve cleaned your PC before starting to use it. But on the

Gaming Slang: “NT” – Exploring Gamer Terms
In the world of gaming, people often use special words and abbreviations to talk to each other. One such word is “NT.” If you play

What the Fork Gaming: A Community of Gamers Uniting in Confusion
“What the Fork” is a quirky and chaotic classic couch co-op forklift simulation game that brings a fresh twist to the world of gaming. With